Read "engraved on the carve" the scene in "- burn CD juggle" the article, the benefit. However feel AUTORUN.INF file which was not enough use of "full", so I write this article in special addendum.
AUTORUN.INF files most commonly used function is specified disc icon and automatic running program. The format is as follows:
icon = autorun.ico
open = autorun.exe
Which is the designated autorun.ico CD icon files (also can be other file formats, such as. Exe, bmp, etc.), autorun.exe is to automatically run the executable file.
Tips in this document, because the AUTORUN.INF file can also add other content to enrich its functionality (Figure).
Into the CD-ROM drive on the right-click, we can see a number of new content, click into the CD-ROM can be specified in the catalog, or run the specified program. CD-ROM icon that I do a "my storage warehouse," CD-ROM, click on "My Software" item you can enter the CD MySoft catalog, click on "My Movies" item you can enter the CD MyMovie directory ... ... you see, is not very convenient and useful personality? In fact, we use the following statement:
descriptive text = shell right to display the contents of
descriptive text shell command = executable file or command line (where the command line format is: to open the file to open the file)
For example: We type the following text in the AUTORUN.INF can be achieved just mentioned "my storage warehouse" function of the disc.
shellTitle1 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?my storage warehouse 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle1command = Explorer shellTitle2 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?my software 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle2command = Explorer MySoftshellTitle3 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?my films 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle3command = Explorer MyMovieshellTitle4 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?My Music 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle4command = Explorer MyMusicshellTitle5 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?My Documents 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle5command = Explorer MyDocumentshellTitle6 = 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?end 鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?鈹?br />shellTitle6command =
It is worth noting, shell followed by the Title1 ~ Title6 for the descriptive text is not particularly meaningful. But its size determines the right to display items in the order. Smaller the value, the more front row. In addition, if the Command is the space behind the increase, said they did not perform any of the procedures and orders.
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