This is Siemens Siemens SIMATIC IT Manufacturing Execution System (MES) at Tyson Foods in its application.
Only one production line of the pilot project convinced Tyson Foods on its Springdale, Ark.'s Implementation of the management company for the first time in more than one plant showed Siemens SIMATIC IT Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
Tyson, vice president for manufacturing systems Chad Couch originally requested Ark.-based poultry processing plant invested 2 million U.S. dollars to build a test covering the whole point of Green Forest. But he only granted 10 million to bring high-profile application of MES in parallel to the SAP enterprise system.
He did.
Couch's goal is to integrate all business processes - financial, human resources, manufacturing, transportation, etc., to achieve an ultimate goal, from the perspective of the customer to execute the perfect order at the lowest price providing the highest quality products. To achieve this goal, we must be critical to the production of information, because decisions made at any time will affect the efficiency and profitability. These parameters in turn affect product quality and price.
This is a production line as the mirror of production conditions.
The project's first step is to record from front to back to the impact of the production line and production every task, including a total of 19 weekly process step 103,000.
"We want to get all the losses related to the production process and production problems with the situation." Couch said, "When we need to do, we hope to learn more information as soon as possible."
For each step, Tyson identify whether it has the ability to add value and eliminate waste is invalid. After each stage of production should be identified. These links, Siemens SIMATIC IT can provide a wealth of information in a short time, and quantify return on investment.
With SIMATIC IT Tyson flexible architecture and workflow technology, tailored to expand and add a system of production process steps to provide library functions operate.
"We reduced the 59% of traceable documents and handwritten records of 15% of staff," Couch said. "We're eliminating 63% of those you need to do, but customers will not pay you the cost, that is, the excess can not be value-added steps. We have also invalid links from 22,000 down to 0. In general, we need a week for the 103,000-fold reduced to 30,000. "
Siemens SIMATIC IT has greatly accelerated the speed of production - to master the information generated in the decision-makers. "Information flow speed from very slow to fast, get a complete change." Couch said.
Production rate changes include:
Real-time information content from 0 to nearly 38%;
The amount of information per minute from less than 4% to nearly 16%;
Per hour to reduce the amount of information from about 57% to 40%;
Every day from about 40% of the amount of information reduced to 7%;
Redundant information every week from 2% down to only 0.2%.
"Our challenge now is how to more quickly and effectively to multiple Siemens SIMATIC IT to the factory." Couch said. "We have success stories, and completely reusable library, so normal operation can only achieve the best results. And both Siemens and SAP are based on ISA95, to exchange unimpeded, closely linked."
Why use ISA95?
Cut costs, reduce risk, accelerate the standard profit
"If there are no uniform standards, collaboration among manufacturers is almost impossible," Siemens Energy and Automation MES strategic project leader Khris Kammer said. "ISA95 given the scope to provide the relevant professional terminology and definitions of related concepts. Consistency helps integration and collaboration, to work on the machine of great help."
"ISA95 international standards - from the equipment, systems and Automation Association supported the creation of - shows the user and supplier participation, there are about 190 members." Kammer said.
ISA95 defines the enterprise-level business systems and factory floor control system with integrated terminology used when and models. The standard also defines the middle layer of MES system should support manufacturing activities.
The standard allows a unit of Tyson Foods Springdale, Ark. In order to lower costs, the enterprise resource planning (ERP) and MES quickly applied to the multi-plant them. "We have an ERP system - SAP system, an MES system - Siemens SIMATIC IT, along with more than one regulatory PLC control system." Tyson Foods vice president responsible for manufacturing systems Chad Couch said. "I can tell you, follow the ISA95 standard will be able to save you a lot of the production line work."
ISA95 standards, manufacturers are divided into four levels. Layer 1 and 2 focused on the factory floor automation and control, Layer 3 and 4 were focused on the production shop floor activities and enterprise level (see Figure). ISA95 standards aimed at level 3 and 4, specifies the functions of each layer and the links. The standard describes the specific role of each layer and link layer, while both are clearly a number of enterprise-class can also belong to the implementation of the system functions.
Business to create tag language (B2MML) standard detailed description of the standard definitions and information exchange between systems data formats, and promote the flow of information between the system and update.
聽聽聽 ISA95 鍜孊2MML閫氳繃涓氬姟鍜岀敓浜ф祦绋嬬殑鐩镐簰閰嶅悎鍏卞悓鎻愬崌浜嗘姇璧凟RP鍜孧ES鐨勪环鍊硷紝鍚屾椂涔熶繚璇佷簡浠ユ渶浣庣殑鎴愭湰瀹炵幇鍗忓悓宸ヤ綔鐨勮兘鍔涖?
聽聽聽 鈥滃洖鏈涜繃鍘伙紝ERP涓氬姟绯荤粺寰堥毦瀵瑰伐鍘傝溅闂寸骇鎺у埗绯荤粺杩涜闆嗘垚锛屸?Kammer璇淬?鈥滃洜姝わ紝鍙湁缁熶竴鐨勪笓涓氭湳璇拰鍔熻兘鎻忚堪鎵嶈兘澶熻涓嶅悓鐨勫叕鍙稿拰鎶?湳鎵?帴鍙楋紝浠庤?鏈夋晥鍦板睍寮?矡閫氫笌鍗忎綔銆傗?
聽聽聽 浠庨暱杩滅湅鏉ワ紝鐢ㄤ簬姒傚康鍖栫郴缁熷姛鑳藉拰闆嗘垚鐐圭殑鏍囧噯鐨勫叡鍚屾ā寮忥紝鎶婅繛閫氭?鍜屼簰鐢ㄦ?鏂归潰鐨勯毦棰樹粠鐢ㄦ埛韬笂杞Щ鍒扮郴缁熶緵搴斿晢韬笂锛屽苟涓旈?杩囦笓闂ㄧ殑APIs褰诲簳鎶靛埗浜嗛珮鎴愭湰鐨勭偣瀵圭偣闆嗘垚銆傛澶栵紝鏍囧噯鐨勫叡鍚屾ā寮忛?杩囬噸澶嶆湁鏁堢殑鍒╃敤鍔犻?浜嗕紒涓氬椤圭洰瀹炴柦鍜屽湪鍏ㄧ悆鑼冨洿搴旂敤鐨勬帹骞裤?
聽聽聽 鈥滆タ闂ㄥ瓙鏄敮涓?竴涓湡姝e缓绔嬪湪ISA95鍩虹涓婏紝骞惰嚧鍔涗簬MES鍩虹鍙戝睍鐨勪紒涓氥?鈥濊タ闂ㄥ瓙鑳芥簮鍜岃嚜鍔ㄥ寲鍏徃鑷姩鍖栨祦绋嬪拰MES瑙e喅鏂规鐨勬?缁忕悊Karsten Newbury璇淬?
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